Having problem to find a place to sell used camera? Want to sell old camera for cash? Sell old camera, used camera to tradelectronics Sydney. Sony’s all picture micro single camera was released a few days ago. This epoch-making product that caused a sensation in the image industry has undoubtedly become the focus of people. It was briefly tried at the press conference. Now it can better experience this artifact and share the experience with you as soon as possible.

Sony A7 series is a XGA specification electronic viewfinder, which has the same configuration as A99, fine display effect, and can not be over compared with optical viewfinder, and the refresh frame rate is better than previous products. It’s the first time that the viewfinder is set in the center of the set-top, and the design of the spire also shows the retro taste. Sony A7 body volume is much larger than nex. Although the body shape and volume of the set-top viewfinder are very similar to nex-7, but the overall size is a small circle, the upper hand feel is very different, becoming more comfortable, the handle fullness is higher, all fingers can hold the handle. Sony A7 is equipped with NFC function, which is also designed on the right side of the handle. The function of one touch and connect is very convenient. The video shooting key is designed on the side of the handle on the back of the machine. For the first time, this design is not as easy as the previous Design on the back of the machine. However, it does not need to change the hand gesture when the thumb starts the key. Sony A7 integrates some design elements of rx1, nex-7 and A99. The wide handle looks like nex-7. The design of keys and turntable adopts the style of rx1. For example, the design of focus mode paddle also uses A99. The integrated use of the three is not wrong.

The design of Sony A7’s three turntable is similar to that of SLR camera, and an exposure compensation turntable has been added. Generally speaking, the use convenience is much better than that of nex-7’s parallel turntable. Considering the turntable on the five-dimensional key, a7 has reached the four turntable operation. If you want to use it smoothly, the first thing to get the machine is to straighten out the turntable function. In this way, blind shooting will become extremely easy, and you will love it. Operation on A7. Memory card slot, a7 is Sony’s first design for vertical plug-in, of course, because the handle design is larger, there is more space to achieve this design. The storage card cover is very thick, which proves that Sony said that the A7 is an all-weather fuselage, and there is no problem in using it in bad weather. In terms of battery, Sony A7 series uses nex general np-fw50 battery with a capacity of 1080mah. Due to the higher specification of A7 sensor, the power consumption will be relatively high. This time, the use time is not long. It’s not easy to say whether it has a significant impact on the endurance, but there are some concerns. Sony has also designed a new handle for A7 series to support the use of dual batteries.

The launch of Sony A7 series has also made new progress in Sony e-bayonet lens. The new e-bayonet full frame lens will become a special series, while many e-bayonet lenses of Sony full frame will be rapidly followed up in the subsidiary factory, and a healthy ecosystem will gradually develop.